Instability, Saturn/Uranus Square 2021-22 Covid19 and “stimulus”

Inflation, deflation (and jubilee to come?)

The virus, lockdowns, economic drops in activity followed by massive injections of monetary and fiscal stimulus (to disguise the pain).

The world economic blocks have done the above in a cycle conga across the globe. And so, as each cork bobs up from the depths of “recession” under the influence of “stimulus” sugar rush, each cork will settle to a more stable position, once it has had its initial rocket.

So, in turn, China, UK, EU, Japan, India, and the rest of the world will do this cycle and revert to 2019 rates of growth - OR most likely, LOWER. Because debt reduces growth over time and we now have a LOT more debt.

The Saturn square to Uranus shows astrologically that two antithetical forces are smashing into each other. So, no return to “normal” and a new definition of what normal might be for most.


As the above song proceeds, expect slowing and then drop in the Chinese economy, with defaults and crises showing up at random, especially in first 3m of 2022. Then EU countries will follow with full-scale impacts and recessions, stock market implosions. And housing market price and sales reductions in the order of 20-30%. Then the USA will slow and resume sub 2% pa GDP growth and Japan also will stutter and fall back.

Like with insulin-resistant diabetes, the system loses stability before crises arrive. All Nations have been doing (in an exaggerated version of 2008-11) is postpone the inevitable need for revision of what we are all wanting and needing. And that is NOT more of the same that was not bringing fulfillment and opportunity for the mass of Western civilization in 1982 - 2019.

So, expect staggering bouts of high inflation followed by recessions and deflation to follow, in 2021-23. After that, difficult to know! Debt jubilee? Certainly, the April conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces symbolises “forgiveness” and cleansing. Planet clashes in synodic cycles indicate change and the evolutionary need for it. They do not show a little wobble and a band-aid on it and back to normal, despite the MSM and elites wanting it to be so.

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