Early 2021 Astrology Forecast (Dec 17th 2020) & Update (January 26th 2021)Mar 6

Planetary Mayhem: Aquarius v Taurus

December 17th 2020 to January 28th 2021 saw the major entry of Jupiter and Saturn into Aquarius and the conjunction on 21.12.20. So, Jupiter left detriment and Saturn entered its airy sign, more social/societal than business like. Cold, calculating and dominant, compared to Capricorn tone of condescension and we know best. With Aquarius it is “I know best” except on a collective sentiment level, plus “we have had enough.”

Then Mars enters enters sign of its fall (Taurus) January 7th and goes on to conjunct Uranus on same day as USA Presidential inauguration (20.1.21) That same week Mars squares Jupiter in Aquarius. This signifies the peak of CV19 infection worldwide (inflammation), as it is reinforced in its disease effect by Saturn 45 degree aspect to Neptune, again on January 20th 2021. Mars and Jupiter in square is v argumentative and ideological in clashes across societies and within them.


The impact of CV19 on health peaks and passes the baton to the economic impacts which will follow on from mid February to October, and will be symbolised by Uranus in Taurus squaring Saturn in Aquarius on 18.2.21. Expect substantial blow back against vaccine roll outs and refusal to take it by around 20-30% of population. Scientific division of opinion on its merits will also burst forth after all the monotone conformity re its panacea nature we have had so far. There is little “ordered” in 2021 planetary line-up. Energies so long suppressed will be explosively released and freedom is the dominant theme, NOT equality. Aquarius is the exemplar of “don’t tell me what to do, or how to do it”. Conformist it is not.

Trump continuing his illusory efforts to dispute his defeat. Pluto will bring him down later in the year. Til then he stirs up the pond life of his “base” with likely violent consequences in late January but fading thereafter.

The power of the aspects in January in particular, surpasses that of early 2020, due to the squares replacing conjunctions (more conflictual and energetic).

Vaccine roll out will be slower than expected and only a minority activity for priority groups in rich nations. Wider distribution will not go ahead til the SunMercury conjunction in mid April. Cazimi Mercury on 19.4.21 gives it power. But NE-MA square same month promises more deceptiveness and infection. Only when Jupiter enters Pisces for 2.5 months (in May) will substantial

improvement for mass population begin. Travel “bubbles” will be highly limited between any countries until December 2021. Meanwhile the SA-UR square and interaction with Jupiter will gum up works. Air travel will increase but not by more than a third roughly, of what it was, until end of 2021. The airplane industry will be fundamentally and irreversibly gutted in 2021, with amalgamations and redundancies inevitable as people do not return to their previous habits. The idea of “back to normal” with Aquarian energy at peak, is nonsensical and abnormal in itself, as an expectation. “Time and tide wait for no man” and Aquarian sentiment is anything but sentimental. Time to cut down and cut out the dead wood.

The Jupiter Uranus and Saturn interaction in fixed signs early in 2021 shows entrenched positions and conflict on a mundane international basis. Economic impact is most obvious, with blockages, and increased costs of trade from early February. With Jupiter involved, inflation rises, posing problems for central banks who dare not raise interest rates. Uranus transit into second decante of Taurus and square to Saturn shows revolutionary introduction of new monetary ideas towards end of 2021. Debt jubilees are coming but not before crashes force them on monetary authorities (2022-23)

The huge line up of planets in 90 degree aspect to Uranus and Mars, on January 11th sets the tone of the whole year of Aquarian-Taurus energy. We have Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn squaring Mars and Uranus and at same time Uranus is close to 45 Neptune. This looks both explosive in change terms and somewhat chaotic, which is what Barbault said to expect of UR_NE contacts in this period (2020-22.) Aquarius is perhaps THE most stubborn and taciturn of signs, despite its enlightenment reputation. It is the sign of “do as I say not what I do.” Whilst Taurus is resistance par excellence, it does signify the Earth as Mother. This combining so powerfully with Aquarius makes for a strong suggested Green and changing of guard feel or Zeitgeist to 2021. SA-0-UR: this aspect was last around in 2008 and shows economic disruption to financial and economic power elites. Bigger stock market crashes not likely to end of 2021 however, from October on.

A generational shift of power may be showing itself. But to change things re power structure requires that the existing structure be torn down and this is not a peaceful transfer of power by any means. It shows a mixture fo reversals of fortune - not just out with the old and in with the new but out with ANYTHING familiar and restrictive. Rebellion and shattering of hierarchy is on the Agenda but also substantial resistance. So expect a lot of street activity and government elite suppression attempts, especially in China (1949 chart for China pays off studying: 3 Aquarius moon hit January 2021 and coming hit to its MA-Pl conjunction in 2022.)

Inflation will surprise (see Mars and Neptune square in April, a re-run of the conjunction in June 2020) many in NZ economic intelligentsia, originating with rising trade costs and food costs in particular. Housing comes off mania surge and resumes more normal rate of price growth, stalling in late May to no rise at all. Building more and low immigration shown by the rulership of Saturn constructiveness whilst blocking internationalism of Jupiter. Saturn proximity to Jupiter continues to indicate conservative decision making by Labour government and Ardern in particular. Left politics in general is still in shade til Jupiter and Neptune finally meet up in April 2022 as inflation fans flame of working class rebellion world wide.

Case loads and deaths will peak in late January 2021 and recede well before any vaccine is widely distributed.


When will we be free from Covid?